ATSPB - About us

The ATSPB stands for “Austrian Society of Plant Biology” and was founded in 1971 under its original name ÖAPP. The society is led by a board elected by the general assembly. Currently, the ATSPB is located at the University of Vienna.

The ATSPB is a member of the FESPB (Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology) and seeks to promote all aspects of experimental plant biology, from molecular cell biology and biochemistry to ecophysiology.

The society organizes a professional conference every two years in Austria that is open to non-members as well.

The organization and presidency of the conference are taken over by members from changing institutes.

The ATSPB is open to anyone interested in plant biology who wants to support the working group.The ATSPB sees itself as a forum that helps to intensify contact and communication within the Austrian research landscape.

The ATSPB is committed to promoting scientific young talent. In addition to discounts on its own conferences, young scientists’ exchange and communication within Austria are financially supported. Informal applications should be addressed to the board